In honour of my little neice/cousin's first birthday...
Holland America's Grand World Voyage 2007
Day three was another repeat from last year as Lizzie, Jon, Ulie and I went to
I worked the majority of day two, but did manage to get off for a couple hours with Lizzie to take her on a city tour… Jimmy was our guide again. I know what you’re thinking – yes, they do sleep right outside the gate… waiting. With only a few hours, Jimmy took us to as many sites as we could get to and even decided to marry Lizzie and me – so random! Just before returning to the ship we stopped off at his house where Jimmy introduced us to his mother, wife and two kids. That night was Bruce’s dinner at Khyber, easily one of the most amazing restaurants in the world. What an incredible feast!
We had three full days in Mumbai – formerly known as
Liz, Jon and I grabbed a taxi (driven by Navish) for a tour of the surrounding area, mainly