Penang is a lush, tropical (crazy hot and humid) Malaysian island that is so diverse and rich in culture, it's amazing. Across the road from one another are Burmese, Chinese, Thai and Hindu temples. The architecture is a beautiful medoly of all these cultures as well. We spent the day with Mr. Man (our taxi driver) who spoke amazing English (a real highlight in some of our ports) and was able to actually communicate with us about the locations and things we saw. We visited a bunch of temples, ending with the Snake Temple; Pit Vipers roam free at this temple and in the back they have a snake farm where we held different ones and even a water dragon (looks like an iguana)! After that temple, just before returning to the ship, we visited a forest reserve, home to some wild and crazy monkeys! We need one of these in Vancouver, i swear! It was a great day, and cheap. I completely recomend vacationing in Malaysia, especially on this island - also home to the world's third longest bridge (first longest in Asia) at 13 kilometers.