Well because the entire country is only about one square mile (making it the most densely populated country in the world), there really isn’t that much to see or do. We went to the

Holland America's Grand World Voyage 2007
Well because the entire country is only about one square mile (making it the most densely populated country in the world), there really isn’t that much to see or do. We went to the
So what’s in
I was expecting to get into
Well this is all I got to see of this supposedly gorgeous city. Because this was the first time two HAL ships, both on Grand Voyages were docked together, Head Office decided to throw an extremely lavish event for the
If any of you were on my email list from last year you’d know that Kusadasi was by far one of my favourite ports – nothing changed this time around! Jon had never been to
Craig’s #1 pet-peave: random people and tourists in his photos.
The amazing news is that all of my pictures have no one in them except for either Jon or me. NO ONE! If you’ve ever been to any archaeological site of interest you’d know that this is not only uncommon, it’s practically unheard of. Just a special mention on two of the pictures: the goddess on a triangular slab of stone is Nike and we were both wearing Nike shoes; and the restroom sign in the one picture reads (and this is quite self-explanatory as to why the picture is on my blog), “Only 50 cent is enough to feel the magic atmosphere.”