So what’s in Livorno?That I cannot answer; it is, however the gateway port to Florence, which I didn’t go to, and Pisa.Ronan and I set out to see if it is possible to push that tower to the ground.Pisa itself is beautiful, as you can tell from the pictures, and the old city is even more spectacular.La Piazza del Duomo (home to the Tower as well as the magnificent Cathedral and Baptistery) was a sight to been seen – wow, what a stupid expression, but true.The architecture is simply astounding, embellished with elaborate designs and carvings.We even got to enter the Tower and walk up the 300 or so steps to the bells at the top, which is something that only recently has been open to the public (within the past year or two).I highly recommend this area of Italy and would love to go back and do some more extensive touring at some point.