From Alexandria we took the crew tour - a mere three hour bus ride into Cairo - to see the three main Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx. This year there was no scaffolding on the Sphinx (major bonus for someone like me who's obssessed with not having ugly things in my pictures). The tour was great and the vendors are as funny as ever. Do they really think I need a dancing camel? Speaking of camels, all around the Pyramids are men on camels asking you to take their picture - then of course you have to pay them. It's so amusing watching the guests who get suckered into it and refuse to pay... crazy Egyptian shouting matches! Then there's the great camel scam where they say toget on their camel for free... though, once you're up there it'll cost you $5 to get down! All in all a fantastic day, great weather (I was actually wearing jeans for half the day). If you can get to Egpyt you should!