First of all, it’s pronounced Pahngo Pahngo. Second, and this should answer Jen’s question that I’m sure she’s wondering, YES… it was Samoa hot (and damn humid too)! By the time the program was done and I had lunch, everyone had already been off the ship and relaxing – trying to cool down – back onboard. I ventured off by myself and walked a good distance away from Pago Pago until I reached another small town called Fagatogo (the picture with the buildings). At one of the parks there a random man, Sani, came up to me and starting asking questions about the ship, nothing special just the usual (where’s it from, where’s it going, when do you leave). It turns out that he’s the team captain for Fagatogo’s cricket team as well as the owner of a small printing and screening company. After some more talking he decided he wanted me to have his team’s shirts and gave me a polo, a t-shirt and a Samoan skirt all with their logo on it. So random, I know! The only other thing of interest was that as I was walking back to the ship a sketchy dog decided to follow me – continually howling and grunting – for just over fifteen minutes. I attract the crazies, I know. Needless to say, the people are amazing and Samoa itself is beautiful and lush, but its rainforest aspect makes the place ridiculously hot and humid.